General information about meteorites


Meteorites have always aroused the curiosity of menkind. Their fall, always accompanied by flashing lights and loud noise,
in times of old was considered either a sign of heaven, a good omen, or a divine warning. Still in our times the belief persists that a wish,Meteortite im Sand
uttered in sight of a suddenly appearing shooting star, will soon be granted.

But not all shooting stars make their way to earth. Most meteorites - that's what shooting stars are called in scientific terminology - are caused by tiny particles, which most of the time burn out entering the upper strata of the atmosphere, causing the well-known bright flare. Only larger fireballs, the so-called bolides,
caused by bodies large enough to survive their way through the atmosphere, are falling down to the earth as meteorites.

For long times meteorites were considered to be of terrestrial origin - lumps of rock, thrown up e. g. by a huge volcanic eruption and then fallen back to earth.
The notion that meteorites are, in fact, extraterrestrial matter, was generally accepted only at the end of the 18th century. Since then the upcoming meteorite science has changed radically our view of the cosmos, our solar system and our own place inside the cosmic space. Today numerous classes of meteorites,
according to their structure and origin, are discerned. Each class has its own secrets, offering new insights into the nature and the origin of the cosmos.

Until now about a 1000 falls of meteorites have been observed that were substantiated by the find of relevant fragments.
More than 22,000 meteorites have been found all over the world whose cosmic origin couldn't be scientifically proven.

This seems to be a large number, but most of them have been found in the perpetual ice of the Antarctic,
where the rare material is sought since the beginning of the seventies. About 18.000 finds of meteorites have been found in the surroundings of the south pole.
A large portion of the remaining finds during the last years took place in the various desert regions of the earth. There the mostly black meteorites - as on the antarctic ice - visibly stand out against the light background and are easy to recognize

The meteorites, that are introduced on the websites by Haberer-meteorites, are mainly such deserts finds, found by our team in the expanses of the Libyan Sahara. In contrast to the countless antarctic meteorites, that almost totally are in behind lock and bar different national institutes, some of our deserts finds -
next to scientific purposes - are also for sale and we want to make it possible for "ordinary mortals" and private collectors to hold a piece of other worlds in their hands and to get a direct impression of the miracles of the cosmos.

Furrther informations to Culture, History, Origin and Classification of the meteorites you find in the links to the left. Our meteorites for sale, fragments and slices you find in our Sales:

Asteroid 2008 TC3 - Almahata Sitta (Sudan)

Kosice Meteoritenfall 28.Feb.2010

Mond NWA 11444