Welcome to Haberer-Meteorites


Here you can find the certifications of

You can already find some of our NEW stones in the following categories:

Enstatite chondrite 
Fine-grained Ureilite 
Chondritic lithologies

You can also find a few of our new stones at the bottom of this page.

Meteorites are becoming increasingly popular.

For amateurs they are the only way to get in close contact with extraterrestrial worlds and to hold in hands a piece from Mars or from the Moon.
However, most people don't know very much about this extraterrestrial matter -
even the internet offers only little information about this fascinating and complex subject.
That's why we decided to gather all available knowledge about meteorites and to present it on this website. 
On the following pages you will find general informations about the different types of meteorites,
about their origin, history of meteorite science, ancient meteorite cults, records and sensations as well as numerous surveys and facts.

We also offer a wide range of meteorites for sale- please visit our sales pages:

Asteroid 2008 TC3 - Almahata Sitta (Sudan)

Kosice Meteoritenfall 28.Feb.2010

Mond NWA 11444

Here you will find a telvision documentary with Siegfried Haberer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e_WXjLnQf-A

If you are a collector, please have a look at our special offers.

In our photo gallery you can see impressive moments of our travels, please click here!



Enjoy your expedition to other worlds beyond our small planet Earth.     

Vincent Haberer and team




Our advice

Golden Wings
178.87 USD
Shippingtime: 7-14 days